Surprisingly, I am still alive

So all is well, just giving a shout out to everyone and hoping that they are doing good.  Drop a comment and lets hear whats been going on!

I have been busy writing tutorials, working for $$$, paying bills, finishing up TS, fixing bugs and everything.  Its been a busy last couple of months, and it is easing up I must say.  I am going to get a nice custom blog design going and hopefully update you on some of my latest development projects in the making! is surely one of them, as I am leading that project over there with Cory.  Going to be a full blown commercial portfolio / client management system.  And of course, with the trust worthy security and love from me.

Tutorial Seek is almost done actually, and I am actually thinking about launching this month!  I have had a lot of curious eyes and faces asking what it in store, one thing answer to that:  The world’s first tutorial indexing search engine.

Anyways, just drop a line, let me know whats been going on.  Oh, and by the way, my portfolio is so out dated it is not even funny, I have a lot to fix that up in the near coming entries.

Take care, Jamie.

Finally the week is over

For those who are in constant contact with me, my week has been a very long one.  I had mid-terms and PSAT during this week and it was very very boring.  I am glad I don’t have school today and that this is the end of my week.  I got some work to do such as some new things for P2L and some client work.

I have been very busy in the past months with school and all, but everyone is fine.  Tutorial Seek is coming along very well – still waiting for a design.  You can check out the blog at ( ).  During the PR update, went up from a PR of 0 to PageRank 2.  I am pretty happy about that for sure.  Pixel-Designz ( ) also went up from a PR of 4 to PageRank 5.

Within the past month or so, I have been talking to quite a few people about different projects they are interested in collaborting with me.  I got Garrett and Cory from who wants me to join them in that project, that seems very interesting and then there is always the small freelance groups who want me.  I sometimes will give them a hand here and there, but the answer is generally no since money is scarce.

LiquidxHost will be getting a revamp within the next couple of weeks.  I got one of my good friends ( ) working up a template storm for me and it is one sexy beast so far.  I will redo prices and site content changing it up and advertising it more.  Hopefully I can draw enough people to substaing the server cost.  But that is not much of an issue right now.

ProxyMyAss is a quick proxy site I put together.  It has minimal advertising and its making me a good amount of side cash.  I am quite surprised from the outcome of it.  Its very nice.  If anyone is interested in buying it, just contact me.  I would be more than willing to sell it for best offer.
Well, thats enough for now for a quick update in my life.  Have a great weekend, I know I will.

Introducing PageRank Plus

I have been up all night working on a new site of mine, PageRank Plus.  It is a free google page rank checker.  You should all go check it out and give it your support! 😀  It generates buttons, and a sig showing all the stats about your site and all.  Try it out and use it for your own sites and put the buttons up – spread the word!
PageRank Plus Results:

PageRank Plus - Google PageRank checking, with a twist.

PageRank Plus - Google PageRank checking, with a twist.

PageRank Plus - Google PageRank checking, with a twist.

Tutorial Seek development has started

As the final inches of development on P2L finishes, I have started up on my latest own project. Named Tutorial Seek ( ) – it will be a tutorial search engine. Yes, another tutorial search engine, but guess what! This one is unlike any other. Instead of you submitting tutorials and an administrator approving them, you will submit your SOURCE SITE ONLY and the site does the rest 😉 Check out the blog on what else is going on and keep your heads up for one heck of a site. Keep in mind that this site will be used as my IB Personal Project in which I need to complete to pass my sophomore year 😀

Hammer Time: Running smoothly v3 Sig

It has been a coupole of days since the v3 project has been launched over at It has been a rough and bumpy ride since, but things are cooling down and all seems well. We were planning on a launch time at 10:00 PM ( -5 Eastern ) the night of August 1st which was all in the clearing. Within about 10 minutes of launch, the box died on us because of some configuration settings that could not handle the load of the awaiting multitude. Tech was called in – rebooted the server and we were back up in an hour with proper tweaks and optimization set. It was pretty frustrating for myself and the rest of the dev team but we pulled through!

Since then, we have been working on getting the server load to a very minimal to ensure that even if we got dugg – we would still be able to survive! Thankfully to some extent, we did not get dugg which is something that we were all worried about that would definately put us in some deap crap. Cache systems have been optimized and queries reduced on some heavy visited pages. Overall, it is probably one of the most minimal and low profile running sites I have developed, being able to display a page with about 1 query.

Ever since the downtime we experienced on the first night, I have been keeping steady watch over the load to ensure that we are getting consistant numbers throughout the day ( even during peak hours ).

Coming up after all this optimization are bug reports that have been submitted by users who visit the site. This is going to be the not so fun part about the project, fixing holes found, css errors, making sure that the site still loads fast, and supports all modern browsers.

Summer is definately coming to a close and I have a knew scope on the web development genre of the internet.  I have a great portfolio coming up and its time to produce some more successful projects of my own to rake in the cash! I have some nice and innovative ideas that I would like to take to your screens, so stay tuned.